Venus Freeze

Based on the innovative (MP)² Technology, Venus Freeze creates a synergy of magnetic pulses and radio frequency (RF) to deliver pleasant treatments and clinically proven results.

Venus Freeze is a risk-free treatment suitable for male and females of all skin types that does not harm the skin and provides consistent results.

Venus Freeze stands out from other non-surgical aesthetic treatments because it's completely pain free and requires no downtime – treatments fit seamlessly into any lifestyle.

Patients often start to see the results after the first treatment

Venus Freeze is cleared by the FDA for Facial Wrinkles and Rhytides and licensed by Health Canada for non-invasive treatment of temporary cellulite and temporary skin tightening.

Venus Freeze at a Glance:

  • One system for non-surgical fat reduction, cellulite reduction and skin tightening for face, neck and body.
  • Effective – Results visible after the first treatment. Permanent results in as little as two treatments.
  • Absolutely no downtime at all. Patient can go right back to work and play right after a treatment.
  • Can be used by all skin types and all body parts including the face, arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and neck.
  • Venus Freeze fits easily into a busy lifestyle because it requires a minimal amount of time per treatment (20-30 minutes), and only requires a treatment per week (for 6-10 weeks).
  • Completely pain-free and safe to both the operator and the patient.
  • 100% safe. No horror stories, no burns, no bruises, etc.
  • Treatments are pleasant, comfortable and relaxing.
  • Trusted by top plastic surgeons and dermatologists worldwide.

Supporting Facts:

Why Venus Freeze works:

·Using magnetic pulses, the Venus Freeze creates increased blood flow and cellular nourishment to slow down the aging process while using Multipolar RF to stimulate re-growth of damaged collagen.

·Venus Freeze’s dense energy matrix penetrates into multiple layers of the skin, ensuring improved clinical efficacy and noticeably visible results. 

·Via two specially designed ergonomic applicators which were tailored for accurate coverage of all body parts, many treatments are applicable.

Venus Freeze provides the medical community with the best of both worlds: Using magnetic pulses, we create increased blood flow and cellular nourishment to slow down the current aging process while using Multipolar RF to stimulate re-growth of damaged collagen we can now provide the perfect solution to physicians in one effective safe technology platform. It is cleared by the FDA for Facial Wrinkles and Rhytides and licensed by Health Canada for non-invasive treatment of temporary cellulite and temporary skin tightening. 

"We Tried It: Venus Freeze, the Anti-Aging Treatment Celebs Swear By"

More and more celebrities are staying away from injections and trying new methods as a counterattack against aging. The newest buzzy treatment is the Venus Freeze, a non-invasive procedure that tightens and contours the skin. Not only is the treatment great for aging skin, but young models are also turning to it for a last-minute pick-me-up. Cara Delevingne has said of the treatment, “My skin gets worse during the [fashion] shows because of all the traveling, so I prepare at the beginning of the season by having Venus Freeze Face Lift Facial, which zaps heat into your skin. You come out with plump skin because it helps to create collagen.” 

Before giving it a go, I talked to Dr. Irene Gladstein at ENHANCE Aesthetic Institute in New York about the technology behind it. “Venus Freeze, in general, is an unbelievable technology,” Dr. Gladstein told me. “It combines two worlds: one world is the magnetic pulse, the other is radio frequency. Both have been shown to be extremely effective. The problem with radio frequency is although it is extremely effective, it is extremely painful. Patients have described it as unbearable. Some people need anesthesia to tolerate it.” 

When I heard the words “painful” and “unbearable” I started second-guessing my trip to her office, but she assured me Venus Freeze isn’t painful at all because it combines radio frequency with magnetic pulse. 

“What ends up happening is radio frequency heats up the tissue and stimulates the cells called fibroblasts (responsible for collagen) and the magnetic field directs the energy correctly, so the energy goes exactly where it needs to go and ensures the treatment is completely painless,” says Dr. Gladstein. 

We started looking at the before and after photos of people who have used Venus Freeze, and the results were pretty dramatic. Venus Freeze can be used to contour the body, as well. 

明星们都在使用的Venus Freeze 冻齡术

Venus Freeze在美国非常流行,由于它快速显著的疗效,受到众多好莱坞明星的追捧。

比如 Kim Kardashian, Oprah ,Beyonce ,还有超模Cara Delevingne,Venus Freeze Treatment 已经成为他们生活的一部分

以下链接是时尚杂志对Venus Freeze的高度认可和点评


Venus Freeze 冻齡术


Venus Freeze寓意冻结时间,让人永葆青春

Venus Freeze 是世界上第一个也是唯一可以使用在身体任何部位的综合性仪器,没有任何侵害,没有任何风险,没有任何痛苦的,可以起到全身减脂,局部塑型,去除永久性皱纹,收紧皮肤等效果。

Venus Freeze 是同时通过FDA和Health Canada 认证的专业医学美容瘦身仪器。配合瑞士原装的护肤产品导入效果加倍。 





Venus 冻龄术特点

1. 体验一次立即见到效果,不用手术就可以达到提升、瘦脸的效果,没有任何的副作用。

3. 整个体验过程极为舒适,它的原理是通过多极的高频率磁场能量与热量相结合,没有任何痛苦,体验感和热石按摩非常接近,消费者可以在疗程结束之后马上回到正常的工作和生活节奏当中去。

4. 适用于任何皮肤类型,包括极其敏感肤质。(有过微型整形的顾客,不要担心。店里的仪器依旧可以安全的操作使用)

5. 如果您的工作生活节奏非常快并且想让皮肤时刻保持最佳状态,那么Venus Freeze 是您的绝佳选择,由于仪器所提供的能量非常强大而且集中,所以每次只需20-30分钟的理疗时间,迅速高效的达到效果,每周一次,一个疗程8-10次,通过深层清洁+磨皮去死皮处理+Venus treatment+“V型脸”提升收紧按摩+淋巴排毒+热敷+眼部去皱精华+面部收紧精华 一些列的手法及瑞士原装护肤产品的使用,让你的青春定格在这一时刻。

6. 它的原理是通过多极的高频率磁场能量与热量相结合,没有任何痛苦,体感和热石按摩非常接近,是一种极为舒适的理疗方式。

7. 和其它医学美容仪器不同的是,Venus Freeze被广泛应用于整容整型医生和皮肤科医生的诊所,它是真正意义上的医学标准的美容美体仪器,下面的链接是美国以及加拿大一些著名的医生的对Venus Freeze予以证明和推荐的视频

8. 本店操作机器的是BC省认证,Venus Concept仪器机构认证。拥有15以上工作经验的持牌美容师会根据每位客人自身的情况分析、判断,为消费者量身定制属于自己的美容方案,让您拥有绝佳的体验感和立现的效果。